Multiple Imputation in Practice

About the Book

Multiple Imputation in Practice: With Examples Using IVEware provides practical guidance on multiple imputation analysis, from simple to complex problems using real and simulated data sets. Data sets from cross-sectional, retrospective, prospective and longitudinal studies, randomized clinical trials, complex sample surveys are used to illustrate both simple, and complex analyses.

IVEware, the software developed by the University of Michigan, is used to illustrate analyses. IVEware can multiply impute missing values, analyze multiply imputed data sets, incorporate complex sample design features, and be used for other statistical analyses framed as missing data problems. IVEware can be used under Windows, Linux, and Mac, and with software packages like SAS, SPSS, Stata, and R, or as a stand-alone tool.

This book will be helpful to researchers looking for guidance on the use of multiple imputation to address missing data problems, along with examples of correct analysis techniques.

The data sets for the examples and exercises and the example code files are available to download. The figures, many of which are reproduced in color, are also available.

Order the book at CRC Press or Amazon.

About the Authors

Trivellore Raghunathan is the director of the Survey Research Center in the Institute for Social Research and professor of biostatistics in the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan. He has published numerous papers in a range of statistical and public health journals. His research interests include applied regression analysis, linear models, design of experiments, sample survey methods, and Bayesian inference.

Patricia Berglund is a Senior Research Associate in the Survey Methodology Program at the Institute for Social Research. She has extensive experience in the use of computing systems for data management and complex sample survey data analysis. She works on research projects in youth substance abuse, adult mental health, and survey methodology using data from Army STARRS, Monitoring the Future, the National Comorbidity Surveys, World Mental Health Surveys, Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiology Surveys, and various other national and international surveys. In addition, she is involved in development, implementation, and teaching of analysis courses and computer training programs at the Survey Research Center-Institute for Social Research. She also lectures in the SAS® Institute-Business Knowledge Series. Contact her at

Peter Solenberger is the chief architect of the IVEware and Search software tools. He has extensive experience in statistical programming and implementation of software on various platforms. His background includes high level programming, software development and user support.